Bhubaneswar: Close on the heels of Biju Janata Dal,the Youth Congress workers staged protest at Lower PMG area today against the failure of BJP led govt incontrolling over various issues including price rise, unemployment, deteriorating law and order, etc. While the activists marched towards residence of Chief Minister Mohon charan majhi,police intercepted the protesters.Led by Uday Bhanu Chib, the national president of Indian Youth Congress and other senior party leaders,the activists raised slogans against BJP govt.”The Chief Minister of Odisha has turned into a ‘Puppet CM’. He should think about providing jobs to youths of Odisha and liberate them from addiction to drugs. But the Odisha CM is only following the instructions of Amit Shah and Narendra Modi and allowing his friends to set up industries here. We are protesting to awaken the puppet CM, Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide jobs to Odisha youths and bring down price rise in the state,” said Uday Bhanu.He further claimed that Odisha does not need a puppet government that is being operated by Home Minister Amit Shah from Delhi.”Odisha needs a Chief Minister who will think about the youths of Odisha and provide jobs to them and liberate them from the clutches of drug addiction,” he said.Another Congress leader said that the state government can’t suppress the voice of the party and this agitation will be intensified in the future.Meanwhile, taking a dig at the Congress, BJP Odisha Yuva Morcha President Abhilash Panda on Monday said that the opposition Congress is in a dire situation and holding the protest to save their identity.He further said that none in Odisha is required to take their protest seriously. He also expressed confidence that the Mohan Majhi-led BJP government will do what the congress failed during their 55 years’ rule in Odisha.
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