Berhampur: The two day “Viksit Bharat: Youth Parliament 2025”,competation inaugurated today at Berhampur university.The district level programme organised by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, in collaboration with Nehru Youth Centre and the National Service Scheme (NSS),saw enthusiastic participation from students across Ganjam and Gajapati districts,who engaged in a debate on the topic, “One Nation, One Election: Paving the Way for Viksit Bharat.”Ten outstanding participants from the district-level competition will be selected to represent the region at the state level.Prof Sukanta Kumar Tripathy,Chairman PG Council,in his innaugural address,has lauded the efforts of the National Service Scheme at Brahmapur University and highlighted the importance of such programmes for nurturing leadership skills among the youth.Akshay Naipan,District Officer of the Nehru Youth Centre,has motivated the participants and said,this event is a significant step towards fostering the spirit of leadership and civic responsibility among the youth.A six member jury of eminent academics has conducted the programme being supported by the faculties of BU
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