

6th Kalingawan, a global festival of performing arts, was organized.

Bhubaneswar, Odisha Like every year, this year too Kalingawan, a global festival of performing arts was organized. This year this international dance festival was organized at Utkal Rangmanch in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 6th Kalingawan, a global festival of performing arts was organized for two days from 4th & 5th January. 250 artists from international level participated in this program.

This program was conducted by renowned dance artist Sriyashree Pati and Adyasha Mishra. On the first day of the program, renowned Kuchipudi dance artist CH Ajay Kumar inaugurated the program as a guest. On the evening of 5th, renowned dance artist Sriyashree Pati inaugurated the program as a guest.

The main managing trustee of this program is Anshuman Mishra. Like every year, this year this program organized in Odisha was organized by “Kalingayana touryatrikam “.

This program has been held earlier in Malaysia, Dehradun and Bengaluru. Artists of Indian classical, semi-classical, modern dance, singing and instruments participated in this program. Tourists come from far and wide to enjoy this program. They get an unforgettable experience here.

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