


Paralakhemundi: Dead body of a 26 year old youth in a highly decomposed state in Paralakhemundi of Gajapati district has been recovered today.The deceased has been identified as Jagadish melaka and his body was found in a rented house in Nagarmpali street of Paralakhemundi.Sources said,Jagadish,a private driver,with his wife Haari melaka took the house on rent since last two months and staying there.Since past three days,the door of the locked inside and last evening a bad smell cameout from the house.Suspecting some foul play,the locals informed police,who in tuen apprised the parents of Jagadish staying at Machakhunti village under Gunupur police in Rayagada district.Today in the presence of family members of deceased Jagadish,police with magistrate broke open the door and found the body,with cloted blood at head and other parts of the body.However,deceased`s wife haari not traced so far.Anusuya,mother of deceased Jagadish in written has complained to the police that Jagadish and Haari married one year ago and were staying with them in Machakhuti.However,Harri often insisted her inlaws to pay cash to get employment for Jagadish.In last December(2024),Jagadish and Harri came to Paralakhemundi and took the house on rent.Anusuya alleged that Harri might have extra-marital affairs,as Jagadish used to leave the house early hours and returns in night.Jagadish might have known about it and to supress the matter,he was killed,alleged Anusuya in her report.Since Harri was not tracable,the suspecion goes stronger.A unnatural death case has been registered and the deadbody wassent for autopsy said Prashant bhupati,IIC, paralakhemundi .Search is on for Harri and probe strareted with scientific team into the incident.

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