


Bhanjanagar:A forester was seriously injured,when a wild bear mauled him in Tarasingh range of the North Ghumusar forest division in Ganjam district.Sources said,late evening on yesterday,the injured forester,Kala Badan Das with other forest staffs were in the forest to douse fire.Suddenly the bear cameout and attacked Das.However,the other staffs chased away the bear and rescued Das.Soon Das was admitted to Bhanjanagar Hospital and referred to MKCGMCH as his condition deteriorated.DFO,Himanshu Shekhar Mohanty with Ranger Bimbadhar Sahu and other staffs visited injured Das and arranged medical assistance for him.As the bear suspectedly got burn injuries and present in the area,panicky gripped the locals,who not dared to venture out of their houses.

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