


Berhampur, A 65 year old man found dead with multiple injuries on his body at Maisiantap forest near Ora village under Badagada PS limits in Ganjam district,today.The deceased has been identified as Kartik swain of nearby Lembakumpa village.Sources said,Swain left his home today morning to collected firewood,but didnot returned.His family members with villagers started a search and found him dead.Basing on their report police reached the spot and sent the body for autopsy.His family members has alleged before police that a quarell between Swain and some co-villagers took place threedays ago.Police investigation is on,but no one has been arrested.It is the second murder incident under Badagada PS during last 48 hours.On 19th,one Damburu swain,a Surat returnees was killed brutally.Police also solved the mystery with in 24 hours by arresting 5 persons inconnection with the murder on yesterday.Police said,the deceased Damuburu had animity with Sankar swain of the village,but Sankar`s son wanted to marry the dauther of Damburu.Bainath,often intercepted the daughter of Damburu and proposed to marry her,what was resisted by Damburu.Even Damburu repriminded Bainath in the past and also bashed him,when he continued his endevour to attarct the girl.Meanwhile Damburu fixed the marriage of his daughter at another place and returned from Surat to perform the marriage.Finding the occasion fit to avenge,Bainath being assisted by his father Sankar and three other co-villagers Santosh gouda,Ratnakar gouda and Murali gouda,killed Damburu.Yesterday all the five were arrested and forwarded to court.However before police heaved a sigh of relief,todays murder brought the police on their toes again.

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